Friday, January 2, 2009

Five weeks - five days!!!

OK I officially found out today how far we are in out pregnancy. It was a little funny because I actually did not go to the doctor for the pregnancy part but when the doctor walked in the room he broke the news to me, I did not have the heart to tell him that I already knew since I have been sick as a dog I never know when it's going to hit me and I never know which morning I will wake up at odd hours of the morning craving something to eat then and there. I mean I use to think that women were over exaggerating when they said that when they craved something they had to have it then and there or it would just not go away. To all of you ladies that I thought that off .............. I AM SOOOOO SORRY!!!! I have been paying for all those things plus more but I'm loving every minute of it all !!! I will officially go next Thursday for my check up and I will keep you all posted I do warn you I am not very creative with my writing so please don't expect specifics on what the baby is doing at the time because half the time I don't even know what I'm doing!!! I walk out the car while its still on, leave my phone at the store I mean I pick my keys and Brodie's toy but leave my phone there, burn pizza, fish sticks to name a few. Well that is all for today, hope you all are doing well love you all!!